P-Shot® in short
It is a revolutionary, innovative, clinically proven, safe, and effective method that improves the quality of an erection and sexual performance.
It is performed using plasma rich in platelets, ie our own blood. It takes advantage of the healing properties of our blood to stimulate the cells of the penis, by activating the natural regenerative mechanisms.
Induced activation and enhancement of platelets causes the local release of growth factors that promote:
- angiogenesis and therefore better nutrition and oxygenation of the penis
- the proliferation of penile cells
- attraction and concentration of new fibroblasts – cells responsible for the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid
The benefits of P-Shot®
- Increased blood flow to the penis
- Increased hardness and duration of erection
- Increased pleasure and sensation
- No allergic reactions, as the material used is taken from our own body
- Painless procedure, well-tolerated
- Contributes to the effectiveness of erection drugs (PDE-5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors)
- The ideal treatment for men with diabetes and heart problems
- Satisfactory results in men after radical prostatectomy
Results are spectacular, long-lasting, and visible from the very first treatment.
About 60% of men see improvement after the 1st P-Shot® while 85% are completely satisfied with the results after the 2nd P-Shot®.
It usually takes 3-4 weeks for the final result.
3 sessions are required with an interval of approximately 30 days.
April 15, 2021